View Profile Fierras
Hello, My name is Julio Lopes and i'm an animator / illustrator / friend

Julio Lopes @Fierras



Brussels Belgium

Joined on 1/3/04

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You forgot to tell us what program you used to compile it in an animation.

However, great work!

You're right, I did forget. I use a program called Take5 (cellsoft.be) but I suggest using monkeyjam (http://www.giantscreamingrobotmo nkeys.com/monkeyjam/) which is free.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask :)

that's really neat. i found the tip about drawing all the movements on one sheet first very helpful. although is that what you did for the walk cycle? or was that too stationary to need a reference page?

also, you should make a slower video of a more specific close-up of how many pages you animate at a time and remove and swap around, etc. i would find that pretty helpful as well. (as a means of efficiency, etc)

thanks! good video, would love to see more.

on the walkcycle I drew a square in perspective that represented the characters floor and then pointed out all the positions of the feet.

I'l make another walkcycle with the camera closer to the character and played at a slower rate. Also draw the numbers next to the drawings so that you can see how many there are.

i hate so much the old style for animated, requiere much work, concentration, much time, is crazy !

You forgot to teach me how to Draw Sonic!!! Now I can't make parodies on the flash!!!! :CCCC

Good vid though. :P

Very nice! Unfortunately I have no table light but I guess I could just trace using some other light source like a window :/ I dunno.

It's actually quite easy to make one yourself and not to mention cheap. Some friends of mine built theirs out of suitcases. Including me.

But for my first attempts I even tried using an old tv screen as the light source :)

meh im 3d animating

i just started out 7 weeks ago so i havent submitted anything yet.
i hope to...but good of you to share techniques with others.


Good stuff!

Good stuff man! my only real experience with "on paper animation" was stick figure flip-books in the side of dictionary in grade 6! After that i moved to digital mediums through school.

This looks ridiculously tedious for long animations, i have no idea how disney animators don't kill themselves haha :P

how to animate.....just dont.

monkeyjam doesnt work on macs do you know program that does?

There is a free program called frame by frame.
you can dload it at http://web.mac.com/philipp.brende l/Software/FrameByFrame.html

I've worked with it before. It's ok for small animations and tests. :)

thanks, yeah, that would be great. It's just that i'm not sure how many pages should be left in at a time, and how you can tell what drawing is from what page (with so many frames) when doing that without any quick playback like Flash, etc. And then to loop it around and make sure the left and right feet go up at the same point in time, and going back to do the arms....it'd just be nice to see workflow and narration or something more indepth, 'why you did this, why you did that'.

just suggestions for future videos. thanks for taking your time for these, if you plan to do more, that's awesome!

Loved your bouncing ball animation and its use of squash, stretch, and anticipation. It really gave a lot of life to the animation itself. I thought you had some good drawings laid out for the walk cycle, but felt it was too static to portray it properly. Would love to see future videos though, even though digital has essentially taken over, I think people miss out on how much traditional animation and knowledge of how it functions really applies to any animation, even 3D these days.

Are you a VFS student ?
I like how you did it.
How much does it cost, the animation desk or how does it calls.
Looks really nice, but it is hard works too.

I've never been outside of Europe so no :)

The table didn't cost me anything. It was handmade. but I think it's worth about EU10 in materials.

That was what onion skin was back in the day before computers.