View Profile Fierras
Hello, My name is Julio Lopes and i'm an animator / illustrator / friend

Julio Lopes @Fierras



Brussels Belgium

Joined on 1/3/04

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Fierras's News

Posted by Fierras - March 19th, 2009

I've been trying to find an animation here on NG. In the animation you can see a person and his dog growing old together untill the dog dies and the man stays behind alone.

Does anyone know how it was called?

Posted by Fierras - February 25th, 2009

Hi guys, how are you doing?

For me things have been pretty busy.
I've been working really hard lately on my animation for school which is about 16min long. I finished the animatic last week and got a very positive feedback from the teachers and guest scenario writer present at the moment.

The animation structure is based on the footage recorded of people that I interviewed a couple of months ago. Then I translated what was said into images that accompany the dialogue. I don't want to give toomuch away yet so i'l just show some sketches for now.
I'm actually very curious to see how you guys will respond to it.


If you haven't done it yet, check out the 'One Shot Comic' in the NG Store. I got my copy a week ago and I must say it looks very nice. Hopefully there will be a sequel next year, or maybe even earlier :) 'Two shots'???


On other news, if you live in Belgium there are currently 3 festivals where they are showing animations I've made between 2007 and 2008. (If you don't live in Belgium you can totally ignore this part)

'Hard Boiled Egg' will be screened at The Anima Festival in Brussels this Thursday 26 februari 2009 at 20u30 (Studio 1).

House_of_mouse.exe has been selected to the final 10 in one of the categories (animation) for 'The One Minutes Festival '. This selection will be shown during the Belgian Open Grand Final on March 12 at 8 pm. at Cinema Sphinx in Ghent.

and last but not least is 'Witte Parel' March 5th at Groendreef nr1 9000 Ghent (Free). They will be showing 'Christmas Pill' and 'Hard Boiled Egg'

There will also be a Screening of a movie for which I did the CGI called 'Amber'. Directed by Samuel Faict
Friday 27 februari at 8pm in 'de openbare Bibliotheek Londerzeel'


Tnx for reading through it all :)
You can also subscribe to my youtube page where I'l be posting video's about the progress of my current animation and explaining what it is exactly that i'm doing.
http://www.youtube.com/user/studiojuli o

New project, festivals, One Shot,...

Posted by Fierras - January 2nd, 2009

Hey guys,

I hope everybody had a good New Years Eve with lots of booze, friends and fireworks.

This is a followup post on my previous list of anime worth watching. Tnx for everybody who pm'd me with titles I should watch. There were some I actually had never heard of. Anyway, here are some more titles worth checking out.

Comments and opinions are welcome. If there are titles that you recommend please share.


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Cowboy Bebop : Great soundtrack, diversity in storytelling, and lots of action.

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Afro Samurai

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Jumping (Osamu Tezuka) A short animation

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Ghost in the Shell(most of you probably know or have heard of this one) Fan made

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Blood the last vampire

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dead leaves

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That's it for now. Till next time. ;)


Posted by Fierras - December 15th, 2008

First of all I would like to say that 'Anime' means Animation in Japan. And that the word 'Anime' could be interpreted as animation made in Japan and not as a Genre by itself. (Like for example when people refer to flash as a synonym for animation when it's a medium/technique.)

Anyway. I've noticed that alot of people have the wrong idea of anime mostly due of children series like pokemon or beyblade. But I think that there is alot of great material worth watching. So I'm making a post about it.

Here is a list of some of the anime I think is worth watching. Comments and opinions are welcome. If there are titles that you recommend please share.

Tekkonkinkreet From Director Michael Arias & Studio 4°C. They worked on the Animatrix as well.

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Paprika Surreal animation that shows us how we can visually and auditive manipulate the scenario of the characters.

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Mind Game They use different kinds of graphics that mix very well in the context where they are used.

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Akira A classic that was groundbreaking for its time. And still is in my opinion.

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Princess Mononoke From Myiazaki (Studio Ghibli)

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Man & Whale From Koji Yamamura. Made for Greenpeace. I actually wanted to show 'Mt. head' which is a masterpiece and is shown at alot of festivals, but I couldn't find it on youtub.

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Memories: 3 great short stories that are shown as one in 'Memories' The trailer was very appealing to me because of the 90's vibe in the way of the montage and music choice.

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Well, that's it for now. Till next time.


Posted by Fierras - December 5th, 2008

I've just uploaded my latest animation. 'Christmas Pill' Go check it out


Edit: I would like to thank Tom for the Tablet. It's greatly appreciated and I'l put it to good use. My tnx also go to the NG community for all the support. And for the people who also share their own work with the world. They have given me endless hours of entertainment.


I'm also looking for a actionscript coder that can help me out with a game I'm currently making.
The coder who I was working with didn't have enough time due to school. If you think you can help me,
please contact me.


Also, Check this video out about global warming which started circulating the internet recently. Hopefully it will reach and convince someone with the power to do something in time.

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Here's an alternative ending to the movie 'the mist'

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I might make more of those in the future, so if you liked that subscribe to my channel.

Over and out.

New animation + other stuff

Posted by Fierras - November 9th, 2008

Hi guys,

I just came back from the Holland Animation Film Festival in Utrecht. Every two years that festival blows my mind. The diversity in animation at the festival is something that makes very unpredictable and pleasing. There were animations from Aardman, Bill Plympton, PESfilms, Ari Folman(Waltz with Bashir), Peter Lord(Angry Kid), etc. This year I had something screened at the festival as well for the first time, which was a very big honour. I have no idea if people liked it or not, but I assume clapping is a good sign :p . It's an awsome experience having something of yours being projected in such a large format.

I'm currently also working on different projects. One is a game called NGBR which is actually going a little slower then expected.
Another is a christmas animation which is basically finished. I'l be posting the animation on NG in December.
And another is my animation for my Masters degree. Which is an animation documentary about lost memories.

I've added an image of 'hard boiled egg's' synopsis which could be seen in the festival catalogue. And this years festival Leader as well.

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Posted by Fierras - October 18th, 2008

Last week I went to a stopmotion workshop. The workshop was so good that I regret not going to more in the past. Every day we were given assignments which became more and more complex. We were given scrap to make our own characters, which was very interesting. Because of the movement limitations we were forced to try some things out to see if we could get the wanted emotion or reaction. The workshop was given by José Miguel Ribeiro who is a very talented portuguese animator. The bottom animation 'abraço do vento' was made by him.

This animation is the result of the last two days of work. Sadly it didn't get finished because of the lack of time. There were also some things that needed cleaning like the blue that is supposed to be a blue key, but there wasn't any time for that either. :p

Workshop result

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José Miguel Ribeiro, 'Abraço do vento'

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Posted by Fierras - September 5th, 2008

Hi everybody,

Yesterday I was just working on a new animation and some other project when out of the blue a friend congratulated me on 'hard boiled egg' being selected for the holland animation film festival. I was a bit surprised, as I had no idea where he got that from. One minute later I got a mail from the festival.
This is really great because i've been wanting to get on that festival for the last 4 years.

Anyway, I would like to send the animation to an hungarian festival but I don't know hungarian. So if anyone is interested in helping me out with the translation, that would be really cool. You'll be properly credited. A pm is enough to notify me, (I check NG daily.)

As an extra to my news post and to get your attention, here's a screenshot of the game i'm working on abbreviation 'NGBR'. I'l be making more posts in the future about the progress of the game.

Need Hungarian Translator + other news

Posted by Fierras - August 21st, 2008

Hi Everybody,

One of my most recent animations 'hard boiled egg' was selected to be shown the 30th of August on Mini Minutes in Münster (Germany). If you live in the neighborhood go take a look. I'l be there to check out the other animations as well. Hopefully we'll see eachother there.

The address is:
Warendorfer str. 45 D-48145 Münster

And here is a link of the program

The animation can also be seen on newgrounds but to see it on a big screen with HD quality is a far greater experience. :)

hard boiled egg in Münster

Posted by Fierras - July 3rd, 2008

Hi everybody,

I should of made a post about this sooner...
A couple of months ago Mdotstrange finished a 88 minute animated feature film that he made by himself from scratch called 'we are the strange'. The animation caused a wide variety of reactions. Some were good and some were bad. People described it as twisted, but in my opinion the animation doesn't have any gore or disgusting/shocking material, Just a dark scenery and a interesting way of storytelling.
The full animation has been available on youtube since april so if you got time, go check it out. (IT'S FREE)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jlD7EV SJFw

The dvd is worth buying as it has alot of material explaining how he made the animation + insane amounts of information and content.

P.S. I did the dutch subtitles that are available on the dvd ;)

We are the strange